Here's the story of eco minerals!

eco mineals was started by two friends - Amber and Lulu in 2007.  We both had little babies, were having some (all) sleepless nights which were brining on the first signs of aging.  We were so in love with our little ones we decided we needed to work for ourselves so we didnt have to put our children into day care.  Lulu also wanted to have enough money to send her daughter to a Steiner School.

So from the simple inspiration to work for ourselves, make money and look more beautiufl... we decided to start a beauty brand.

A few months earlier Lulu had purchased her first mineral bronzer for around $60 and on close inspection of the ingredients she realised that it wasnt as pure as it could be and also didnt need to be so expensive.

Lulu and her daughter Coco with 2 family membersWe started on our mission to create natural cosmetics that were as good as, or better, than any cosmetic in the world.  Here's our ethos - that still is at the heart of eco minerals today:

  • products that perform amazingliy
  • 100% safe & ethically sourced ingredients
  • Vegan and Cruelty Free
  • Affordable
  • Eco friendly - minimal packaging
  • Guaranteed